Maritime Law Advice and Maritime Litigation
Maritime Lawyer Serving Asia, the Pacific, Europe, and the U.S.
Reeder & Simpson provides a full range of legal services in the field of maritime law and litigation. If you need legal assistance with any maritime matter, please contact us by email or telephone. We have extensive legal experience in the field of maritime law. Mr. Reeder has been rendering maritime legal opinions since 1995 while Mr. Simpson has focused on ship finance for approximately 30 years.
We can provide information and legal assistance with vessel registration, creating a business entity for vessel ownership, foreign maritime entities, vessel mortgage recordation, ship radio licensing, marine safety, and all other legal matters connected with vessel ownership, commerce, and activities. If you need legal representation in any maritime matter which requires litigation, please contact us.
Maritime Law
Maritime law governs matters concerning all maritime activities and private international law which concerns the private business entities which operate ships and vessels. Maritime legal issues may concern commerce, navigation, shipping, ship personnel, and the ocean-going transportation of passengers and goods as well as land-based commercial matters which are maritime in nature. Maritime liens, mortgages, salvage, personal injuries to passengers, maintenance and cure of sailors, as well as the formation of vessel ownership business entities and ship registration are legal matters which may require our professional legal services.
Contact us at our offices today if you need assistance with a maritime legal matter or litigation today.